
Monday, December 12, 2016

Final 2016 Blog Post

Hi there blogging world,

Thank you for coming to visit my learning blog. This will be my last post because I am going on holiday. I have enjoyed using this blog to share my learning with you all. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning too.

Blog you later,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

de bono's thinking hats

In class we had fill in all six de Bono thinking hats. We had to answer questions about the school production and write a paragraph in the hats. Here are my thinking hats. Please feel free to comment below.

The composition

This is the second book I read about and did a thinglink. This book is written about people in countries that don't have a choice in the country. They have to think the same way as the dictatorship otherwise they will get arrested. Please check out my thinglink below.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


In reading today we had to choose a book from a whole range of books to read about. We then had to take a screenshot of our book and make a thinglink about it. Ms Sands gave us questions to answer on the thinglink.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Board game links + Smart relationships commenting

Today in Cyber smart James showed us a board game he made to refresh what we have learnt in Cyber smart this year. We had to work our way through to the end by doing activities assigned to where our dice landed. Above is a task that I did and it is about what makes a blog comment a strong and good comment. These are my top tips. Thank you for reading my blog post please feel free to comment below.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How far have we travelled?

Hi Blog world! Today in Cyber smart we had to make another interactive map and put a pin on where we were born. On the map above is where my classmates are born. 
We also had to answer some questions like...

How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS?
Caroline has travelled 2,794 km from Samoa to NZ.
Maanov has travelled 2,444 km from Brisbane to NZ.

Why do people make the choice to move to a different countries?
Most Chinese people think that New Zealand is a better environment for their children. Some people might also go to a different country because their country is in danger or they have family in a different country.

Is this a trend in NZ society? What does the media tell us?
Yes because nowadays in New Zealand you can see many different cultural people on the streets. The media tells us that many people are coming into New Zealand because our economy is good, not many dangerous animals and a safe place to live even though bad things could happen to New Zealand.

James also showed us a video clip on vimeo called "The Lie." This video clip has a very strong point about racism and lies that they hear about themselves around the citizens in their country.
Click here to watch the video The video made me think about why people are being racist and saying mean things about people's backgrounds, and not being nice to each other. The video was very touching and powerful about what they said and thought.

Here is a link that will tell you some facts about NZ that might be the reason why people immigrate to NZ.

Please feel free to comment below and Bye!

Monday, October 17, 2016

My Motat Experience

Click on the link above and it will take you to my recount about our syndicate trip to Motat.  
The trip to Motat was super fun and i hope I can go there again. 
We also went to see the Leonardo Da Vinci exbition and a few other ones that I didn't mention in my writing. 
Hope you like my recount and please feel free to comment below.
This recount has been edited by me alone and not checked by my teacher. I am learning to work independently.

Parts to a Chromebook

This is a map I have made in cyber smart about where the materials of speakers are made. Above are some pins and if you click on it, it will show some information about the bit I have chosen to look into. This map is an interactive map so you can move around on the map. I hope you like it and please feel free to comment below about what you think.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Solving social media problems

In Cyber smart we had to come up with a scenario about online things that could happen to one of us in the future. We had to make 2-3 questions and answer it ourselves along as asking a buddy about what they would do. This was my one that I did and down below is what I would do if that happened to me.

I would tell my mum to have a chat with her mum about she being underaged and posting inappropriate stuff online. I will also tell my mum that she might get reported, fined and hated on the online society.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My installation art

On Tuesday we had a art festival. We needed to create a piece of installation art. Me and my partner Izzy did a project called Project Panda. Down below is a picture and a personal response about my installation art. Have a look at my work. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bean Rock

In class we read a journal story about Bean Rock in Auckland, NZ. We then answered the questions In the answer sheet below. The Bean Rock light-house is the only wave washed light-house in the whole New Zealand. Bean Rock uses solar charged batteries for the light. Light-house keepers have to wake up in the middle of the night every three or four hours to check if everything was working properly. Light-houses are made to keep away ships from dangerous rocks or reefs. Light-house keepers keep fit by walking or jogging around the veranda, taking about thirty five steps each circuit.

Friday, September 9, 2016

My abstract art process

Abstract ART

For the art festival Room 9 made some pieces of abstract art. We used many different types of media that you will see in the slideshow below. The piece of artwork was super fun to make. After watching the process maybe you can create a piece of abstract art too.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Improving blog comments

On Monday we had Cyber smart with James, and Room nine had to improve a good comment into a powerful and strong comment. We did this by making sure that all our punctuation was correct, that our comment is positive, thoughtful and helpful. We tried to leave a question in our comment so we could make connections with the blogger. I also told the blogger about what they could improve on so their posts will be better. After lots of editing and checking with buddies we finally finished our comment. Have a look at mine. Make sure you leave a comment on my learning so you can show me your improved commenting skills.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Green wall being taken down

The green wall in our school got taken down because the new syndicate classrooms are going to replace it. We are all very excited to move in when it has been finished. The duration of it was very loud and noisy with dust flying everywhere. The bulldozer crashed down the bricks in no time at all. Now where the green wall was before is empty and full of dirt.

Wild and Wacky Wheels Day

In Term 2 we had the Wild and Wacky Wheels Day.
Everyone needed to dress up in something wild or wacky. The teachers dressed up too! Everyone dressed up amazingly well. I dressed up as a nerd. There were also heaps of activities on the day set up for everyone to do. There were moon hoppers, stilts, unicycles, bike trail, scooter trail, trolleys and many more. It was so much fun. My friends and I raced each other on our scooters and did a few tricks. After a while I got hungry so I went to get an american hot dog. It was delicious. When the bell rang I raced home because I was so excited to tell my parents about my amazing day. I loved Wheels Day.


Monday, July 4, 2016

24 hour digital footprint

I am usually on because it helps you type without looking at the keyboard. I also go to Google because Google slides, Google docs, Google sheets and more are all addressed under Google.
I think the word cloud will become different because I do not go on to my chromebook at home in the weekend. I think that Google comes up so often in my history is because heaps of sites I go to are addressed under Google.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.