Hi Everyone! The text below is my recount about what I did on Anzac Day. Take a look and feel free to comment below.
Play Date with friends
Tick! Tock! Tick Tock! The clock was ticking.
On Anzac Day me, my sister, Yvonne, Eliza and Esther’s mum went to watch the movie Smurfs and go to Jump.
Early in the morning I heard a loud moan coming across the house. What was it? I thought to myself. I slowly climbed out of bed to investigate what the noise was. I quietly unlatched the door and tiptoed so no one could hear me. After a few moments I knew exactly who it was. It was my sister! I put my ear on the door to hear what she was saying exactly. This is what she said, “When is it going to be 10:30am? When are they coming? I can’t WAIT for them to come.” Well she’s probably super excited for our friends to come. Not saying I’m not. I crept back into my room to get changed for the day and packed my bag. After I brushed my teeth and all that stuff I went downstairs to have breakfast. Yum!
Later in the morning my sister came down to have breakfast as well. A while later we were watching some netflix because they weren’t here yet and we were bored. Eventually Yvonne’s mum came to pick us up. We sped off, to the cinemas. We bought the tickets and quietly went into the cinemas, trying to find our seats. The movie started, the ads came on and I watched intently. When the movie ended I felt full of joy. My favourite part was when Smurfette revives from the piece of clay she was made out of in the start. My least favourite part is kind of hard to choose, but I have to say that it was when the Smurfs saved Gargamel when he was drowning in the rampaging river.

After the movie we had lunch at a Vietnam cuisine restaurant. I ordered a chicken on rice. It was delicious! After the food we headed straight to JUMP. Once we got there we got the tickets and waited for our turn to go on. Before that though, the instructor had to tell us the safety rules for the people who didn’t know. The boring instructions were told and we could finally go on the tramps. We did some tricks and played jumping tag. My sister and Yvonne had a battle on the beam in the foam pit battle area. We also played some dodgeball and tried to do THE WALL. Sadly our time was over and we had to head home :(. But I had so much fun playing with my friends!
Ps. I was the one moaning. 😁
I like the layout of this blog post Joyce. It looks appealing and something I would like to read. I haven't been to Jump yet, but would really like to go.