In class we had fill in all six de Bono thinking hats. We had to answer questions about the school production and write a paragraph in the hats. Here are my thinking hats. Please feel free to comment below.
You have analysed the production very well Joyce. It was VERY hot, I can imagine it was even hotter on stage! I think that you all did incredibly well every single show. Teamwork played a huge part and I was extremely proud of Waikowhai. You presented yourself very well on stage Joyce, you had a clear voice and great expression.
You have analysed the production very well Joyce. It was VERY hot, I can imagine it was even hotter on stage! I think that you all did incredibly well every single show. Teamwork played a huge part and I was extremely proud of Waikowhai. You presented yourself very well on stage Joyce, you had a clear voice and great expression.